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JOSERA Yellow Hearts Club in the App Store

Our friends from Glanzbox had the honor to program a new mobile app for the pet food manufacturer JOSERA. It is based on Xamarin and is available for both iOS and Android-based devices. The background to this app is JOSERA’s so-called Yellow Hearts Club, a program created specifically for retailers to assist with sales and marketing. Once certified, promotional programs, training, tips and more can be accessed through this brand new application.

A fancy app needs fancy promotion

In order for such a cool app to be seen and downloaded by many users, we were tasked with creating the preview images for Apple’s App Store and Google Play Store. The goal was to visualize the main features and benefits of the Yellow Heart Club, while typography, colors and wording follow JOSERA guidelines. Since the launch of the app was already imminent, we got to work right away. In total, we built five different layouts – strictly following Apple and Google guidelines – each with six graphics. Identical in content, the designs differ based on operating system and display size.

josera app screen übersicht

Preview of the app by intro video

There are already a few things planned for the future, which will be implemented with the next release of the app. In addition to the preview images in the App Store or Play Store, short videos will soon explain the most important functions of the Yellow Hearts Club app at a glance.





Max is the Founder of angaero in Germany, and Co-Founder of angaero in South Korea.

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